Story #1
We have 5 bedroom house which 4 rooms are used for sleeping. Jenna and Briauna share a room and Caleb and Lance share. Garrett has his own since he is the oldest and his room is the smallest. On Sunday the boys were fighting and part of it was because Lance went into Garrett's room. Garrett got really upset. Garrett has been told that it is a privilege to have his own room and that it could be taken away. I was done and decided that the boys needed to get along better so more togetherness might help. We don't want them to go to their room and shut the other siblings out because they don't want to deal with them. We move Garrett's bed into Lance and Caleb's room. You have to understand that there room is really big so they had plenty of room for him. Garrett was so upset and Lance and Caleb were so excited to have him in there. After some thought I felt bad for really only punishing Garrett and that they all needed equal punishment so we told Garrett we would move him back. He decided that he would try it for a week to see how it was. Jenna of course could not be left out and wanted to sleep in there as well. So for the last 2 nights 4 of the kids have slept in 1 room. I guess I didn't need all of those rooms after all.
Story #2
As I said earlier Jenna and Briauna share a room. Briauna was in our room for about 10 months. Jenna wanted to help her and climbed into her crib so Briauna's safety we kept her with us until she could stand. Last week Jenna informed me that she did not Briauna in her room anymore and that I needed to move the crib back in my room. I told her no and that it was Briauna's room as well. She then said,"Well I will be loud and Briauna won't be able to sleep so don't put her in there tonight. " John and I think that Jenna is again struggling with jealousy and sharing especially now since Briauna is getting older and able to do more. It is always interesting the ideas they come up with.