Caleb is 6yrs and in first grade. He is very small and the youngest of the three boys. With that said he is very tough and knows how to defend himself. John walked him to school this morning and had a chat with the teacher. This is always kind of scary because you never know if the news will be good or bad. So anyways yesterday Caleb hit a 2nd grader at school. When the teacher finally got it out of him what had happened he told her a couple of kids were picking on him and made him really mad. He tried real hard not to do anything but he just couldn't do it anymore and hit one in the face. Both John and the teacher kind of smiled and thought well it served them right. Caleb may be small but watch out if you make him mad. Hopefully after another talk about controlling his temper at school this won't happen again.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Briauna is 2 months old
Since Briauna is 2 months I thought I would put a new picture up. This picture was taken the day she was due - Sept. 16th. She looks like she is being tortured but I think with 4 older siblings she is probably used to being in many different positions. I am always grateful they love her and want to hold her. Also help from anyone. I am having a hard time figuring out how to arrange thing differently on my page so any advice or help would be appreciated.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Weekly Update Sept. 17th - 22nd
I have been told I need more pictures and updates so now that the kids are in bed I have time. This week we went to a meet the teacher/curriculum night at the school. This is very important if you have boys. Mine don't tell me anything about school. When I ask what they did at school the most common answer is " stuff ". So in order to try and be a good mom I needed to find out what they have been and will be doing this year. So off we go without Garrett and Lance to the school. They were more interested in staying at home alone for an hour than going back to school and seeing their teacher again.
Briauna went to the doctor for her 2 month well check on Thursday her 2 month mark. She weighs 6lb 7oz and is 19in. long. She is doing well and the doctor seemed happy. It is crazy to think she was due last Sunday but has been here for 2 months. Time has gone fast but I can enjoy her being little longer which is nice since she is my last baby.
Saturday was clean up day which is never any fun getting my kids to help. They have been grounded from the T.V., computer, and the playstation all week for misbehaving last Sunday during sacrament. So they were limited in what they could /wanted to do. But they always seem to find a way to keep their minds and hands busy. In the picture if you can't tell they are playing in the mud.
Saturday night we went to a reunion party for the ward I grew up in. It was fun but I honestly did not know or remember most of the people there. They are going to do it every year so hopefully more people will come that I know next time.
Briauna went to the doctor for her 2 month well check on Thursday her 2 month mark. She weighs 6lb 7oz and is 19in. long. She is doing well and the doctor seemed happy. It is crazy to think she was due last Sunday but has been here for 2 months. Time has gone fast but I can enjoy her being little longer which is nice since she is my last baby.
Saturday was clean up day which is never any fun getting my kids to help. They have been grounded from the T.V., computer, and the playstation all week for misbehaving last Sunday during sacrament. So they were limited in what they could /wanted to do. But they always seem to find a way to keep their minds and hands busy. In the picture if you can't tell they are playing in the mud.
Saturday night we went to a reunion party for the ward I grew up in. It was fun but I honestly did not know or remember most of the people there. They are going to do it every year so hopefully more people will come that I know next time.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Finally a Picture
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