Sunday, February 14, 2010

You know you have too many kids when.....

you leave one sleeping in the car all night. This morning I woke up and checked to see what kids were up and I was so surprised that Lance was up and had made his bed. I then go down stairs and he said,"thanks a lot mom." I had no idea what he was talking about and he then told me we left him in the car all night. We got home a little late and he was asleep. We woke him up and told him to go to bed but he didn't listen. After the 4th or 5th time I gave up. John and I stayed up a while and then went to bed. We did the normal bedroom routine and locked all the doors including the garage door. Lance got cold and woke up but everything was locked and we didn't hear him knock. He just went back to sleep in the car. He finally got Caleb to let him in this morning. When I woke up I was wondering how our dog got outside but Lance let her out of the garage. He was fine and thought it was funny. He really thought it was great that he got to pee outside. He figured that I would rather him pee outside instead in his pants in the car.


Suzi said...

Ok Steph thats just too funny!!

Grace ~and~Shane said...

That is really funny!!!

The Frying Finnigans said...

So funny. I love all the upbeat stories and activities you share. Thanks.

Jill said...

I bet he will listen next time :)

Amie said...

awww poor kiddo! I'm glad he wasn't scared! I'd have been, myself!!