Wednesday, February 27, 2008

That is just Terrible

The other night Jenna was up kind of late because she had a late nap. So being a girl she loves to talk and talk especially to John. She had got some candy earlier that day a decided she needed to eat it. She couldn't find it and then had said " Brothers ate it, that is just terrible." John and I couldn't help but laugh. I don't know where she hears these things. I am greatful that I can write these things down because I always want to remember the little funny things they say.

Mad Science

The boys school had a science fair on Thurday Feb. 21st. This included science projects that some of the students did and some demonstrations by 8th graders. At the end of the night they had a Mad Science show. It was great. They had a mad scientist who did demonstrations for the kids. He was so funny. He had a silly accent and really acted like he was a mad scientist. He really involved the kids with the show and they loved it. Garrett got to be one of his assistants. I hope they do this again it was great.

Coyotes vs. Flames

John got to go to his first hockey game on Tuesday Feb. 19th. Some friends had an extra ticket and invited him. He had a blast and can't wait to go again. He has already looked to see when they play again. The only downfall was he didn't think about needing a jacket and he froze. Next time he will be better prepared. The Coyotes lost but his friends were Flames fans so they were happy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

She Eats

I had posted previously about my doctor giving us a hard time about Briauna's weight and wanting me to pump and add a supplement. Well I did not do it. This was hard for me to not obey a doctor but I really felt she was doing so good and wanted a 2nd opinion. I have continued to watch her eating habits until we saw her pediatrician. We saw him last week and he wasn't to concerned but gave me some ideas of thing we could do first before making me pump and/or supplement. First thing is baby food and adding some extra stuff for calories. So the next stage has started. It is so fun with each phase they do. I am bit sad because she is my last and I know she will continue to grow fast. For me, feeding her baby food is just the beginning. She did great and seemed to enjoy her first taste of rice cereal. It will be fun to see all the faces she will make as she tries new foods.

7 months old
10lb 15oz

Air Show

I have not posted for a while and so I decided I needed to catch up. It is amazing when you load your pictures on the computer you remember all the things you have done. Saturday Feb 9th we went to an air show for these remote control air planes. It was a lot of fun. We had to drive a while to get there but the boys really enjoyed it. John recently revisited a hobby of flying remote control planes. The ones we saw are a lot more expensive and the owners are very talented with their flying. In fact on of the boys told John "Dad you should take lesson from these guys they don't crash their planes." Of course that can really deflate your ego but John handled it well. The funny thing is we saw a guy crash his plane and it hit a truck in the parking lot. Luckily no one was hurt and it was still a fun day.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I have been waiting for a long time!

What might you ask that I have been waiting for. Well I will tell you, a kid old enough to babysit. He isn't quite old enough but we are slowly easing him into it. The last couple of day I have been busy and needed to run back and forth to the school for teacher conferences and today I went to lunch with a friend(Briauna came too). Let me tell you it was great. I was nervous even though I was within 2 miles everytime. He is very responsible and great with the younger kids, well most of the time. Today when I was getting ready to leave I went over the rules and asked them if they had question and their comment was "Mom you went over this a bazillion times." They were promised with a prize if I didn't get a bad phone call. They did great and I was met with open arms and smiles from Jenna. Garrett is such a good boy and I am greatful I can trust him. I can't leave Lance out because he helps as well. It is so sad that I am old enough that he is almost legal to babysit. But I guess I have grown him for 11yrs and now I can benefit from it. Thanks Garrett and Lance!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tagged Again

A. The rules of this game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the question about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog to get the directions.

10 yrs ago:
5 Things on my list of things to do today:
Things I would do if I suddenly was a Billionaire:
3 of my bad habits:
Places I have lived:
Jobs I have had:
Things most people don't know about me:

Questions:10 yrs ago: Ten years ago I was a mother of a 11month old and was working at night at a nursing home. John was going to school so we were pretty busy.

5 Things on my list of things to do today: 1)Make dinner 2)Go to Caleb's parent teacher conference 3)Laundry, big surprise I do that everyday 4)Clean up family room, Jenna decided to get into the DVD's and look for her princess movies 5)Stay patient with kids, 2 boys are grounded and John won't be home until late because he is speaking at a YW in Excellence in a different stake.

Things I would do if I suddenly was a Billionaire: Jump for joy then pay off bills, pay off my families bills, and then go on a long vacation.

3 of my bad habits: Biting nails, stressing over things I have no control over, not planning my dinners early enough, I don't like cooking but I am trying to do better.

Places I have lived: California(born there), Arizona

Jobs I have had: Office worker, CNA at a nursing home, LPN at a nursing home and extended care facility for kids, and RN at 2 different hospitals

Things most people don't know about me: I don't type well, I look at the keyboard when I type. The only reason I can kind of do well is because one of my RN jobs I had to chart on the computer.

I tag Monica, Jill, Lorie, Beth, and Erin

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wonderful Weather

I thought I would post some pretty neat pictures of the clouds I took the other day. I thought they look neat with the mountains.

Dance, Dance

For Christmas the boys got Dance Dance Revolution from their aunt. It is quite fun. I have decided to try and do it as a form of exercise since I am to lazy to get out of the house. I was doing / trying to play the game and Jenna wanted to do it. It was so funny to watch. She calls it "Dance Dance Lution". We played it with some good friends for Family Home Evening and had a blast. We can't wait to get another pad so we can compete.


At our home last week and now this week we are passing around some kind of illness. So far Garrett, Jenna , Briauna and I have been cursed with it. It has affected us in similar ways but also different. Thanks goodness I only had it for one day. Poor Briauna gets to experience this for the first time. It was so sad to see her just exsist, no smiles or giggles. Hopefully we are at the end of the tunnel with this. With 5 kids any illness can last for weeks between all of them. This has been my longest stent staying home since Briauna. I have to say it has not been any fun.