Monday, August 4, 2008

The First Day of School

Well it starts again. School time is already back. It is hard to believe the summer break is over. It is hard to believe that I have a 6th, 4th, and 2nd grader. The boys, of course, were not super excited but they were really good and got up easy for me this morning. John is now teaching early morning seminary and leaves at 5:30am. Now it is all up to me to get them out the door on time. I have been spoiled in the past with John's help. We had all the school supplies, cloths and lunches ready so it wouldn't be a crazy morning. I walked with them to make sure Caleb would not get forgotten. It was busy with a lot of parents walking kids to class but they all made it before the bell. It will be interesting to see how their day went. I feel so lost with just the girls home. We have had a busy summer with swim and dive team I almost don't know what to do. I am sure Jenna will keep me busy with projects to do. So now the business with homework and tests will keep us all busy.

1 comment:

Grace ~and~Shane said...

Back in school already....we start in 3 weeks. Crazy how fast they are growing up. Your 3 boys are looking pretty handsome. :)