Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our Story

How did we meet: I met John at a YSA Family Home Evening Activity at Great Skate. It was the first one I went to after my boyfriend went on a mission. After the activity a bunch of us went out for ice cream and hung out really late.

Where did you go on your first date?: That is a little complicated. Our first official date we went to a place where you eat and watch a old west show. I had asked him out about 3 weeks before we actually went out. We had been out several times with friends before the first "real date". I consider July 4th, 1995 our first date. We went downtown to the fireworks with a bunch of friends and hung out the whole time and kind of became an item.

How long have you been together: married 12 years 7 months but since we started dating 13 years 1 month.

Who said I love you first?: John did. We broke up about a week before and I told him I was not going out with him again to just break up again and if we get back together it will be forever.

Who is taller?: John

Who sings better?: John does and can sing several different parts.

Who is smarter?: Our brains both work in very different ways so I guess it depends on the subject.

Who does the laundry?: I do, John works all day and with all the people in our house it would never get done. He does help me in the evening when I need.

Who does the dishes?: I do it more than he does but Lance and Caleb do then a lot , it is their chore.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?: looking at the bed I do.

Who pays the bills?: It depends. We both do it.

Who mows the lawn?: I do 9 out of 10 time. John has asthma trouble when he does it. I am so proud of my lawn. I love how it looks when it is newly cut and green.

Who cooks dinner?: I do but there are days that I am tired, have been sick or just don't want to cook and John steps up and takes over.

Who drives when you are together?: We take turns but if he is the slightest bit tired I drive. If I am having contact trouble and I don't have my glasses he will definitely drive.

Who is more stubborn?: I am but if it is the right subject he is.

Who kissed who first?: He kissed me. He wasn't sure I was ready since it hadn't been that long since my missionary left but I was ready.

Who is more sensitive?: Again it depends on the subject but as a whole I would say me.

Who proposed?: John did. We already knew we were going to get married but he had not officially proposed and given me the ring. We were at Family Home Evening and the Singles ward and I was doing homework while other were playing volleyball. I was annoyed that John was ignoring me. All of the sudden the mission impossible song came on and gave me the mission to save John. So I had to go on the hunt all around the building and got clues and then there were people trying to stop me with water guns and bad clues. A friend of mine was with me to help me( she knew the plan for a while ). Then John was out side tied to a light pole and I had to let him free. I got in his pocket to get a knife and the ring was there and he proposed. It was fun and original. I will always remember it. Later I found out he had several ideas but I did not cooperate. Oh well only if I had known to cooperate.

Who has more siblings?: John does, he is the oldest of 7.

Who wears the pants?: We both do.

That was fun so now I hope that BETH, KATIE, ERIN and STEPHANIE will play along and share some of their story.


Lorie said...

I neve knew that is how he proposed! How cute!

Lani said...

I love these things. So fun to learn more about you! :-)

Mighty Mighty Rudds said...

Hey Steph, I am replying to your question on my blog! I am looking for prek-k for t-ball and 1st-2nd grade for soccer, however, they have all ages through the Y and I have already had people ask me about older kids. It costs $20 to sign up at the Y as a Program Member (lets you do programs for that child for a year) and then yousign up for the specific sport that you want. If I am right soccer is $60 and t-ball $70 (becasue more equipment). You can also check the website (south mountain branch) for more info. Anyway, let me know if you are interested and spread the word if you would!
Cute post by the way, isn't it weird to think of that seems like a whole other life to me!

Amie said...

what a great engagement story! I never knw that!