Monday, June 23, 2008

A New Stage

We have reached the baby proofing stage with Briauna. Within the last month she has sat up by her self, crawled and pulled her self up. It is fun but has made my life busier. She sees so many tiny things and then they go into her mouth. She is getting fast and gets into many things. Her crawl is not the traditional crawl. She kind of uses one knee and pushes with the opposite foot. It is pretty funny to watch. Her crib is still in our room because Jenna loved to help her stop crying by climbing in the crib. I wanted to wait until Briauna could sit up on her own before moving her into Jenna's room. Well it is now time. When she wakes up she sees us and screams louder so we will get her. It is fun to see her discover new things and get excited when she makes it to the object she is after.


Toni said...

she is so cute! I can't believe how blonde she is and those blue eyes are gorgeous!

Stacy said...

Now that she moves I bet she cries at you less :o)

Oh the trouble our girls are gonna get into together. It will be so fun to see them closer and closer to the same stage. Poor grandma's house.

Grace ~and~Shane said...

so sorry I have not been blogging...I had a surgery to help with getting pregnant!!! And have been totally comsumed by it. But feeling much better. But not pregnant yet hopfully here in the next little while. If you want more details we shall chat on the phone.